> 文章列表 > 春节应该买哪几类年货英文





Food names: - 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake- 团圆饭 family reunion dinner- 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year\'s Eve- 饺子 dumplings- 粽子 zongzi- 鱼 fish- 蟹 crab- 鞭炮 firecrackers- 红包 red envelope- 春联 Spring Festival couplet


The English translation for \"买年货\" is \"buying Lunar New Year goods\".


1. Meat: Meat is an essential item for Lunar New Year, whether it\'s for the reunion dinner or meals during the holiday. Pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and crab are all must-buy Lunar New Year goods. According to statistics, meat consumption in China during the Spring Festival increases by 50% compared to regular days, showing the importance of meat in Lunar New Year celebrations.

2. Traditional snacks: During the Spring Festival, various traditional snacks are popular purchases. These include rice cakes (年糕), dumplings (饺子), zongzi (粽子), and other festive delicacies. These snacks are not only delicious but also carry symbolic meaning. For example, the pronunciation of \"饺子\" (dumplings) is similar to the word for \"leaving,\" so eating dumplings is believed to bring good luck and help people leave behind any bad luck from the previous year.

3. Decorations: Decorating the house is an important part of preparing for the Lunar New Year. Traditional decorations such as Spring Festival couplets (春联), paper-cutting (剪纸), and red lanterns (红灯笼) create a festive atmosphere. Additionally, new clothes (新衣服) are often purchased to wear during the holiday, symbolizing a fresh start and attracting good fortune.

By following this English shopping list for Lunar New Year goods, you can fully immerse yourself in the joyous spirit of the holiday and experience the rich traditions and customs of the Chinese culture.


The English spelling for \"年货\" is \"Nian-huo\".


1. 过年 (Guo-nian): have the Spring Festival2. 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve)3. 初一 (the beginning of New Year)4. 元宵节 (Lantern Festival)5. 春联 (Spring Festival couplet)6. 红包 (red envelope)7. 鞭炮 (firecrackers)8. 春晚 (Spring Festival gala)9. 守岁 (stay up on New Year\'s Eve)10. 拜年 (pay New Year\'s visit)

These English terms allow you to better understand and communicate about the customs, traditions, and celebrations of the Chinese Lunar New Year.


Before the Chinese family celebrates the New Year, they need to purchase a large amount of \"年货\" (Lunar New Year goods). This includes items such as Spring Festival couplets (春联), \"福\" characters, new clothes, and special food for the holiday period (as most markets are closed during this time). Buying Lunar New Year goods is an important activity for Chinese people during the Spring Festival. It not only symbolizes good fortune and prosperity but also brings families together to celebrate this joyous occasion.


The English translation for \"买年货\" is \"buying special purchases for the Spring Festival\".


Various items purchased by every household for the Lunar New Year, including food, clothing, household items, and toys, are collectively referred to as \"年货\" (Lunar New Year goods). The English translation for \"年货\" is \"special purchases for the Spring Festival\". To further explain, the term \"special purchases for the Spring Festival\" encompasses a wide range of products and signifies the significance and unique nature of these goods during the Lunar New Year celebrations. By purchasing these special items, people hope to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity for the upcoming year.


1. \"New Year\'s goods\" refers to the goods purchased during the Chinese Spring Festival, including food and decorations.2. Traditionally, people buy New Year\'s goods to prepare for the Lunar New Year. These goods are not only essential for celebrating the holiday but also carry cultural and symbolic meanings. They represent good luck, fortune, and blessings for the new year.3. \"Lunar New Year goods\" is another translation for \"年货\". This term includes all the items purchased and used during the Spring Festival, such as food, clothes, gifts, and decorations.4. \"Chinese New Year supplies\" is another English term that can be used to describe the various items purchased and used during the Lunar New Year.


Basic vocabulary and phrases related to the Spring Festival:- 春节 (The Spring Festival)- 农历 (lunar calendar)- 正月 (lunar January; the first month of the lunar calendar)- 节日 (festival)- 家人 (family)- 团圆 (reunion)- 年夜饭 (New Year\'s Eve dinner)- 鞭炮 (firecrackers)- 拜年 (pay a New Year\'s visit)- 红包 (red envelope)- 福 (blessing)- 春联 (Spring Festival couplets)

Knowing these words and phrases can help you better understand and communicate about the Spring Festival, its traditions, and the festive atmosphere surrounding this important holiday in Chinese culture.