> 文章列表 > 扫地是春节禁忌吗英文






According to Chinese traditions, cleaning is not allowed on the first day of the new year. It is considered a taboo as people believe that cleaning would sweep away good luck and fortune. Therefore, during the Spring Festival, many people observe this tradition and try to avoid cleaning as much as possible.


如果笼统地说打扫可以用clean,更具体地说打扫、清扫、扫地则用sweep,例如sweep the floor/street/stairs清扫地板/街道/楼梯。这些短语可以用来描述清扫行为,并且可以通过使用这样的动词提供了清晰且详细的场景描述。

If we talk about cleaning in general, we can use the word \"clean.\" However, if we want to specifically refer to sweeping or cleaning the floor, we can use the word \"sweep.\" For example, \"sweep the floor/street/stairs.\" These phrases accurately depict the act of cleaning, and using such verbs provides a clear and detailed description of the scene.


扫地可以用sweep the floor;拖地可以用mop the floor;擦桌子可以用wipe a table;洗碗可以用wash the dishes。这些短语可以方便地表达扫地、拖地、擦桌子和洗碗的行为。

For \"扫地,\" we can use \"sweep the floor.\" For \"拖地,\" we can use \"mop the floor.\" For \"擦桌子,\" we can use \"wipe a table.\" And for \"洗碗,\" we can use \"wash the dishes.\" These phrases provide convenient expressions for sweeping, mopping, wiping tables, and washing dishes.

扫地用英语怎么说 - 懂得

扫地使用英语可以表达为\"sweep the floor/ground\"。这个短语可以清晰地传达出扫地的动作,并且通过添加地点(floor/ground)来进一步说明清扫的对象。

The English translation for \"扫地\" is \"sweep the floor/ground.\" This phrase clearly conveys the action of sweeping and further specifies the location (floor/ground) to indicate what is being cleaned.


扫地可以翻译为\"sweep the floor\";\"reach rock bottom\"(触底)也可以形容境况非常不好;\"reach an all-time low\"(达到历史最低点)可以形容退化到最差状态;\"be dragged in the dust\"(拖到尘土中)可以形容失败或丢脸。这些短语除了可以表达扫地的含义外,还可以用来形容其他情景。

The translation for \"扫地\" is \"sweep the floor.\" \"Reach rock bottom\" can be used to describe a situation that is extremely bad. \"Reach an all-time low\" can be used to describe a situation that has deteriorated to the worst state. \"Be dragged in the dust\" can be used to describe failure or embarrassment. These phrases, besides expressing the meaning of sweeping the floor, can also be used to describe other scenarios.



On the first day of the Spring Festival, you must not clean. This is an important tradition as people believe that cleaning on the first day of the new year will sweep away wealth and good luck. Therefore, everyone observes the rule of not cleaning on this day.


\"Can you help me sweep the floor?\"(你可以帮我扫地吗?)可以用来请求帮助扫地,\"Did she sweep the floor yesterday?\"(她昨天扫地了吗?)可以用来询问过去是否有人扫地。这些句子可以用来准确地表达扫地的意思,并且体现了请求帮助和询问的语境。

\"Can you help me sweep the floor?\" can be used to ask for help with sweeping the floor, and \"Did she sweep the floor yesterday?\" can be used to inquire about whether someone cleaned the floor in the past. These sentences accurately express the meaning of sweeping the floor and showcase the contexts of requesting help and asking questions.

" 扫地"、"拖地"、"擦桌子"、"洗碗"的英文?

扫地的英文是\"sweeping\",拖地的英文是\"mopping\",擦桌子的英文是\"clean the table\",洗碗的英文是\"washing dishes\"。这些翻译准确地表达了扫地、拖地、擦桌子和洗碗的意思。

The English translations for \"扫地\" is \"sweeping,\" \"拖地\" is \"mopping,\" \"擦桌子\" is \"clean the table,\" and \"洗碗\" is \"washing dishes.\" These translations accurately convey the meanings of sweeping, mopping, wiping tables, and washing dishes.


翻译成英语的意思是 \"sweep the floor\",或者也可以用\"clean the floor\"来表达。这两个翻译准确地描述了扫地的行为。

The translation of \"扫地\" is \"sweep the floor\" or \"clean the floor.\" Both translations accurately depict the act of sweeping the floor.


\"Sweep the floor!\"(扫地!)这句话可以用来命令别人去扫地。另外,可以使用\"He reached rock bottom.\"(他触底了)或者\"He has reached an all-time low.\"(他达到了历史最低点)来形容情况变得非常糟糕。这些句子除了可以表达扫地的意思外,还可以用来形容其他情景。

\"Sweep the floor!\" can be used as a command to tell someone to sweep the floor. Additionally, \"He reached rock bottom\" or \"He has reached an all-time low\" can be used to describe a situation that has become very bad. These sentences, apart from expressing the meaning of sweeping the floor, can also be used to describe other scenarios.