> 春节2024 > 过年有必要去外国吗英文





去年春节我没有去拜访亲朋好友- ZOL问答


英文:I didn\'t visit my friends and relatives last Spring Festival.


On New Year\'s Eve this is most important to Chinese one day. This one universe and human prepare- ZOL问答


英文:On New Year\'s Eve, this is the most important day for Chinese people. It is prepared by the whole universe and human beings.


The Spring Festival has taken a step out of our country and exported to the foreign countries. Many f- ZOL问答


英文:The Spring Festival has spread beyond our country and is celebrated in many foreign countries. Many foreign friends have also started celebrating the Spring Festival.


In Spring Festival At Spring Festival On Spring Festival都 是在春节的意思主要看in at on 在那些句子中合适了 In Spring Fes- ZOL问答

中文:在春节用英语是\"In Spring Festival\"、\"At Spring Festival\"还是\"On Spring Festival\",主要取决于句子中的in、at、on等介词的使用。

英文:The choice between \"In Spring Festival\", \"At Spring Festival\", and \"On Spring Festival\" depends on the usage of prepositions like \"in\", \"at\", and \"on\" in the sentence.


(1)Wehaveafamilydinnertogether.(2)WewatchTVtogether.(3)Wewearnewclothes.(3)Wevisitourfriends.(4 (1)W- ZOL问答


英文:The Spring Festival and the New Year in foreign countries have the following similarities: We have a family dinner together, we watch TV together, we wear new clothes, and we visit our friends.


my favorite festival is spring festival.because once spring festival is coming,everywhere is at atmo- ZOL问答


英文:My favorite festival is the Spring Festival because when the Spring Festival comes, there is a joyful atmosphere everywhere.


中秋节英文祝福语中秋之时夜温馨,十五月圆亮又静。举杯邀请嫦娥舞,共伴人间思念情。1 without you, the moon is round though my heart is empty- ZOL问答


英文:I raise my cup and invite Chang\'e to dance, sharing the time of longing together.


Spring Festival is the biggest traditional festival for us.when Spring Festival comes,the Chinese pu- ZOL问答


英文:The Spring Festival is the biggest traditional festival for us. When the Spring Festival comes, Chinese people go to the flower market to buy flowers. There are many types of flowers. I invite him to come to Guangzhou again next year.


now, to make sure you have got the story, i have several questions for you: 1. what is the date of the S- ZOL问答

中文:现在,为了确保你已经了解了这个故事,我有几个问题要问你:1. 春节的日期是几号? 2. 在春节期间,人们会去上班吗? 3. 这是中国最重要的节日吗?

英文:Now, to make sure you have understood the story, I have several questions for you: 1. What is the date of the Spring Festival? 2. Do people go to work during the Spring Festival? 3. Is this the most important festival in China?


The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, the time for the first month to 15 2 on - ZOL问答


英文:The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China, and it lasts from the first day to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.